Sunday, February 15, 2009

Religious Festival To in Singapore And Malaysia

The famous festival To [taypusam] (Thaipusam), which seems strange and whimsical many to Europeans. During the holiday they honor the god Of subrahmanya, which is the embodiment of force, youth and authority, and also main fighter against evil. The firm sign of festival - impressive four-kilometer procession, which passes along the streets of Singapore. It will leave from the temple Of sri Of srinivasa Of perumal, it will proceed on Serangoon Of road and will finish in the temple Of layan Of sithi Of vinayagar. Early in the morning the first admirers of deity sacrifice to it jugs with the milk. As the demonstration of their faith and manifestation of courage they also pierce to themselves languages by metallic [shampurami]. Others fit the threatening form the metallic frames, called of kavadis, to its bodies with the aid of the special hooks

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